Tuesday, May 02, 2006

It's been awhile...

Okay, so I posted last almost a month ago. Not much has happened since then - I've gone to my news shifts and written stories and made commercials and all that good stuff, but nothing majorly exciting. Last night I went to the borough meeting, and since there were no mini disk recorders, I couldn't get sound from anyone, which is sad because I could have gotten some wonderful sound from the police chief, but alas, all I could make was a voicer. Also, the meeting lasted forever. But now all the people there recognize me so we all exchange looks during the meeting; it's pretty fun. So I did a story on tasers, because that was the only remotely interesting thing that was talked about in 2 hours. Anyway, got to get ready for Commercial Production...

"I never said I was a golden god. Or did I?"